Balancing Our Investment


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The presentations from the 2016 Nunavut Mining Symposium that have been authorized to be posted have been posted below. Links will be added as permission is received.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Metal Prices, Currencies & Global Growth Outlook for 2016-17, Patricia Mohr, Vice President, Economic and Commodity Marketing Specialist, the Scotiabank Group

Exploration Overview, Michal Russer, District Geologist, INAC, Nunavut Mineral

CNGO Overview, Linda Ham, Chief Geologist, CNGO

Update on Hope Bay, Alex Buchan, Director of Community Relations, TMAC

Completing the bedrock mapping of southern Baffin Island: tectonostratigraphic, structural and geophysical context for the Frobisher suite mafic, ultramafic and layered magic-ultramafic sills, Marc St-Onge, Senior Research Scientist and Head, Regional Geology Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada

Structural Evolution of the Ptarmigan Fiord area, South Baffin Island, Timothy Chadwick, Graduate Student (MSc - Structural Geology), Carleton University

Waste Management in the Arctic, Greg Johnson, Project Director, Qikiqtaaluk Environmental

Legal Update: A Summary of Recent and Pending Court Decisions with Implications for Mining and Other Resource Activites in Nunavut, Adam Chamberlain, Partner, Border Ladner Gervais LLP

Online Map Selection of Mineral Claims in Nunavut - Proposed Changes to the Mineral Regime, Emilie Lemieux-Guenard, Policy Analyst, INAC

The Compulsory Employer Insurance, Martin van Rooy, Engineer/Mine Inspector, Worker's Safety and Compensation Commission of NWT / NU Worker's Safety & Compensation Commission

Keys to Understanding and Improving the Nunavut Regulatory Regime, Senator Patterson, Senate of Canada

Building Local Support through Strategic Community Engagement, Jason Prno, Community Relations Advisor, Sabina Gold & Silver

Engaging with Industry: The importance of Creating Stronger Nunavut Apprenticeship - Industry Relations, Zsolt Munkacsy, Supervisor, Apprenticeship, Trades and Occupations Certification, Government of Nunavut - Department of Family Services

A case study in Engagement - Engagement for Success, Denise Lockett, President, Lockett Consultation Services Inc.

Building a Better Project Using QIA's Community Land and Resource Committees, Joel Fortier, Environmental Assessment Coordinator, Qikiqtani Inuit Association

The Resources and Sustainable Development in the Arctic (ReSDA) Project: Initial findings, Chris Southcott, Professor and Principal Investigator, (ReSDA) Project, Lakehead University

Fancy Coloured Diamonds and New Opportunities: A Status Update on the Qilalugaq, Mel, and Luxx Diamond Projects, Ken Armstrong, North Arrows Minerals

Diamond Exploration brings the Paleozonic Strata to light on the Precambrian Country, Hall Peninsula, Shunxin Zhang, Research Scientist, Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office

Update on the Committee Bay Project, Kitikmeot Region, Nunavut, Michael Henrichsen, Chief Operating Officer, Auryn Resources Inc.

Nunavut: Geology and Mineral Potential of the Tehery-Wager area, Nunavut: Highlights from a GEM-2 Rae Activity, Natasha Wodicka, Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada

Balancing Investment: Projects, Partnerships and People Part 1/Part 2, Dominque Girard/Pujjuut Kusugak, Agnico Eagle

Double Bonding - A Continuing Barrier To Development?, Charles (Chuck) Birchall, Partner, Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLP

IQ, land Use, Significance, Context and Monitoring, Diane Martens, Health, Safety, Environment and Regulatory Project Manager, AREVA Resources Canada Inc.

Coordinating the Environmental Assessment Process, Matthew Spence, Director General - Northern Projects Management Office, Canadian Economic Development Agency

Regulatory System and Inuit Development Corps, Harry Flaherty, President & CEO, Qikiqtaaluk Corporation

Aboriginal Mineral Development Policies and Strategies, Stefan Reinecke, Technical Lead, Stratos Inc.

Build Locally Balanced with Outsourcing for Success, Shawn Lester, Lester Landau

Mining Matters, Barbara Green Parker, Manager, Aboriginal Education and Outreach Programs

STEM and Digital Literacy - Foundational Skill Development for a Skilled Northern Workforce, Leslie Cuthbertson, Senior Director, Strategy and Organization Development, Actua

Cool Tools for Biomonitoring Wildlife and Human Health: Examples from Mining and the Franklin Expedition, Jennie Christensen, Environmental Services Research and Development Coordinator, Stantec

Tracking Northern Major Projects, Seth Reinhart, Canadian Economic Development Agency

Overview of KIA-TMAC Framework Agreement, Geoff Clark, Director of Land, Environment and Resources, Kitikmeot Inuit Association

Land Use Planning in Nunavut and Going Forward, Brian Aglukark, Director of Policy and Planning/Peter Sholtz, Senior Planner, Nunavut Planning Commission

Devolution in the Northwest Territories - Opportunities and Challenges, Deborah Archibald, Assistant Deputy Minister GNWT - Department of ITI

Amaruq Exploration Project Update, Denis Vaillancourt, Exploration Manager, Eastern Canada, Agnico Eagle

Advancing the Back River Project, Matthew Pickard, Vice President, Environment & Sustainability, Sabina Gold and Silver

Surfical Geology Projects at the Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office, Tommy Tremblay, Research Scientist, CNGO

Expression of Exploration Targets in High Resolution Satellite Data, Paul Budkewitsch, District Geologist, INAC

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Business Development, Robert Connelly, Session Chair 

Achieving Opportunities & Profit for Kitikmeot Inuit, Christie Sinclair, Director of Business Relations, Kitikmeot Corporation

Top 10 Small Business Opportunities in Nunavut's Mining Industry, Elizabeth Kingston, General Manager - Nunavut NWT & Nunavut Chamber of Mines

Negotiating Comprehensive Development Agreements with Industry, Geoffrey Clark, Director of Land, Environment, and Resources, Kitikmeot Inuit Association

Successes and Opportunities in Economic Development - Meadowbank & Meliadine, Pujjuut Kusugak, Coordinator, Communications & Community Affairs, Agnico Eagle

Bridging the Distance Divide: Unlocking the Resource Potential of Remote and Northern Canada, Nadim Kara, Senor Director, Policy & Programs, PDAC

Canada - Transport Act Review Report (Impacts on Nunavut Resource Development), Jim Stevens, GN - ED&T Transportation Department

Lockheed Martin Hybrid Airships – No Roads? No Problem!, Grant Cool,Chief Operating Officer, Hybrid Enterprises

A Future without Oil, Nicolas Seguin,Tugliq Energy

Life Cycle Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Mining and Milling of Uranium in Saskatchewan, Cameron S. McNaughton, Environmental Engineer, Golder Associates Ltd.

Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk - All Season Access HighwayChallenges & Lessons Learned, Warren McLeod,Civil Engineer, Stantec

Arctic UAV – Professional Aerial Drone Imagery, Kirt Ejesiak,Chairman & CEO, Arctic UAV Inc.

Getting the Word Out: How local economic development officers can help mining companies engage with Nunavut communities, Hal Timar, Nunavut Economic Developers Association

Nunavut Development Corporation – Objectives & Approaches, Darrin Nichol, Nunavut Development Corporation

Current Economic Situation and Growth Prospect, Francois Picotte, Senior Economist, GN-EDT

Benefits to Mineral Exploration and Mining Development in Rankin Inlet, Kandace Kusugak, Community Economic Development Officer, Hamlet of Rankin Inlet

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Nunavut IPG's and New Legislation and Regulation, Sharon Ehaloak, Executive Director, Nunavut Planning Commission

Recent Changes to Nunavut's Regulatory System, Ryan Barry, Executive Director, Nunavut Impact Review Board

Change is the Only Constant: Recent and Upcoming Regulatory Changes in Nunavut, Stephanie Autut, Executive Director, Nunavut Water Board