

April 7, 2021
3:00 PM

In January 2021, Crown-Indigenous Relations & Northern Affairs Canada introduced Map Selection, which modernized the way that mineral claims are acquired on Crown lands in Nunavut. This change allows holders of a licence to prospect to acquire and manage their mining rights using a web-based system. This has been a process that has been in development for many years. This session will feature invited speakers that will:

  • Provide an overview of the new system

  • A perspective on why this change was important and the benefits

  • The impact of these changes on companies, the environment and the industry.

  • Speakers include:

    • Tracey McCaie - Manager, Lands Administration, CIRNAC

    • David Willis, Environment and Permitting Coordinator, deBeers

    • John Tugak, Prospector

    • Moderator: Bernie MacIsaac

      Register now!



There is an important conversation taking place in Nunavut right now around social confidence. Part of building social confidence is ensuring the conversations on impacts and opportunities include the right people in the right place. At this point, the Nunavut Mining Symposium Society felt it was best to postpone our planned event so not to distract from the conversation. We look forward to continuing with this topic when the time is right.

What’s happening with NMS21?

We all were disappointed to have to cancel the 2020 Nunavut Mining Symposium. For 2021, we are focusing on delivering some engaging and topical virtual sessions until it is safe to gather again. Sign up below to stay up to date.

Nominate someone for the NMS Hall of Fame

Help ensure the stars of our industry get recognized! Nominate someone for the Nunavut Mining Symposium Hall of Fame today! Deadline to submit is March 1, 2021.

Event Title Sponsors

Friends of the Nunavut Mining Symposium Society